

Chitrini nursing college and school aspire to be a leading institute in the fields of nursing education, practice and research through which we can serve the society at large through the advancement of nursing practice


Chitrini nursing college and school aims to educate knowledgeable, skillful, competent and compassionate nurses and train them in providing qualitative services for the patients.


  • 1. Graduate diplomas, graduates and post graduates who are able to obtain registered nurse licensure and function at the beginning practice level.
  • 2. Promote overall development of the nursing students by training in education practice and research
  • 3. Provide faculty access to professional development.
  • 4. Partner with university advancement to support a sustainable plan for nursing programs.
  • 5. Access, identify and develop plan to address community needs.
  • 6. Move into leadership positions in nursing, empowered to contribute towards meeting issues and challenges confronting nursing profession.


  • 1. To help students acquire knowledge of theory and principles of nursing and allied subjects.
  • 2. To develop leadership quality and assume leadership positions in nursing services, education and administration.
  • 3. To provide qualitative care to patients at various settings like hospitals, health and wellness community centers and NGOs.
  • 4. To practice research and evidence based practice for upliftment of nursing profession.
  • 5. To promote overall development of nursing students with special emphasis on cultural, intellectual, psychosocial and spiritual aspects.