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About Chitrini Nursing College and School

It is a matter of great pride that Chitrini nursing college and school is in existence since 2010. The college and school is affiliated with INC, GNC and HNGU. Chitrini nursing college and school has affiliated with various hospitals and more than 10 health and wellness centre for up to date and qualitative practical exposure of students.

The eminent faculty members of Chitrini nursing college and school are committed to develop nursing personnel through quality education.

Chitrini nursing college and school has round the clock facility of water supply, electricity and security of students. Campus has updated facilities for qualitative and evidence based education.

Chitrini nursing college shall strive to be a premier provider in nursing education for diploma, graduate and post graduate nursing students. Therefore we are implementing various innovative approaches like evidence based education system to enrich the students knowledge, continuous emulative evaluation system to have a constant evaluation on student performance and leadership program to encounter academic and other community partnership for health and developmental activities and promotion of nursing research.

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Posts By Admin | 29 April, 2020

Most unusual uses of artificial intelli gence projects.

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Most unusual uses of artificial intelli gence projects.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cteturadipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor. ipsum dolor.


Most unusual uses of artificial intelli gence projects.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cteturadipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor. ipsum dolor.


Most unusual uses of artificial intelli gence projects.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cteturadipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor. ipsum dolor.